Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Healing Spirit of REIKI!!

The Healing Spirit of REIKI
Everyone has the ability to heal themselves and to help others in their healing process. Universal energy flows through all of us. However, this flow of energy can become blocked during periods of stress and illness. Reiki is an immensely simple yet powerful method of healing, using the hands, which can remove these blockages and restore the flow of energy around the body. The spirit of Reiki is challenging and rewarding and can lead you into a journey of spiritual exploration and discovery. This energizing force can empower you to feel as an emotional being, to respond to situations creatively, and to act throughout your life as a channel for good.

What is REIKI
Reiki is a hands-on healing technique, which is based on the idea of a universal life force. Reiki practitioners believe that it is possible to access this force and use it for healing mind, body and spirit.

Universal Energy
The concept of a life force has been recognized in many cultures for thousands of years, and similar concepts are used in many other complementary therapies, such as acupuncture and Shiatsu, as well as in physical and spiritual practices, such as tai chi and yoga. In China this life force is known as chi, in Hinduism as prana and by the ancient Egyptians as ka.

The beliefs and practice of Reiki emerged in nineteenth-century Japan and from there were taken to Hawai, California and the western world.

The word Reiki itself is made up of "rei" meaning "universal" in Japanese and "ki" which means "life force".

The Force of Life
Life force flows through all of us. Reiki healing is simply a means of accessing this energy in a direct and amplified way.

A Natural Flow
Reiki practitioners aim to draw energy from the universal life force that is all around us and then let it flow through their hands and into the person who needs the healing.

By laying their hands on various parts of the body in turn, they transmit energy to help restore its natural flow around the recipient's body. This also releases any blockages that may prevent the recipients from reaching their full potential. The effect of reiki is not always immediate or obvious, although for some people it can be dramatic and instant. Reiki is thought by its practitioners to have its own inherent wisdom and act as a force that gives people what they need, rather than what they ask for.

For Everyone
Reiki is not a religion and can therefore be practiced by people of different faiths. Unlike some forms of healing, it has no specific religious dogma associated with it. Instead, Reiki is about encouraging people to have trust in themselves and in the universe.

Accessing Love
Reiki can be defined as a network of love based on universal life energy. It is understood to be given and received in gratitude.

How REIKI Works
During treatments, Reiki practitioners use specific hand positions that correspond to the physical body, its organs and the seven chakras. The chakras are centers of concentrated energy that vibrate over specific areas of the body. Reiki energy gently balances the chakras and the energy field that surrounds the body, as well as soothing physical and emotional complaints.

The Seven Chakras
Each chakra connects with particular glands and parts of the physical body, as well as specific aspects of emotional and spiritual energy, from the basic survival instinct to the quest for understanding.

The Root Chakra, at the base of the spine, bladder, genitals, spine and life force.
The Sacral Chakra relates to the gonads, reproductive organs, legs and vitality.
The Solar plexus chakra connects to the pancreas, liver, and stomach and power, fear and control.
The Heart Chakra is associated with the thymus, heart, lungs and love.
The Throat chakra relates to the thyroid, vocal chords, arms, hands and self-expression.
The Third Eye chakra is associated with the pituitary, brow, intellect and seeing, through the "third eye".
The Crown chakra connects to the pineal gland, cranium, and spiritual consciousness.

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